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Rank is not only about you! But also, Christ, the community, and guests!

Lets us know if an unbeliever or Christian (and what type of Christian) is teaching/talking scripture. 

Non-Christians aren't allowed to teach scripture because they lack spiritual discernment, and we also don't want members to take council from the ungodly. Even if they are right and may seem good. 

If you are Christian and can't confess Christ, then we won't be ranking you. While there are other things God said not to do and yet Christians do them and yet we rank them and keep them ranked, this one is too big of a deal and stumbling block. Mainly because if we ranked people that we thought were Christians and they can't confess Christ to members and guests, then it would cause division, confusion, arguments, cause us not to know if you are truly Christian or what type of Christian, and make us look really bad. 

Let's us know how we should talk to you.

Lets us know a little more about yourself based on how you answer yourself in relation to Christ. 

Makes the community look really good: mainly because it shows people, we are unified and filled with professing Christians. 

Why it's important to get ranked in-game

How to Get Ranked

How to Get Ranked

🤝 GOOD behavior receives smiley rank 👄 Confessing Christ receives one stripe ⬆️ Ranks outside the friend's chat may lose rank ⬆️ Allowed one week inactivity to keep ranked in-game

How to Rank Up (Forum/Discord)

How to Rank Up (Forum/Discord)

📢 Share ONE ⁠📢-testimonies on Discord for the 2 stripes rank! The more you share the better chance you'll get at 3! 🙏 Share ONE ⁠🙏-prayers on Discord for the 2 stripes rank! The more you share the better chance you'll get at 3! 📑 Share ONE ⁠🔎-verses on Discord for the 2 stripes rank! The more you share the better chance you'll get at 3!

How to Rank Up (Social Media)

How to Rank Up (Social Media)

▶️ Subscribe to our ⁠▶-YouTube and comment with your RSN on one of our videos, for the 2 stripes! 🌎 Follow on Reddit and post about the community, for the 2 stripes! 🇫 Follow on Facebook and leave a review about the community, for the 2 stripes! ⛽ Help out the Discord by boosting the server, for the 2 stripes!

How to Rank Up (Clan Chat)

How to Rank Up (Clan Chat)

👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 Get invited to "Bible Chat" OSRS Clan Chat, for the 2 stripes! ⬆️ Clan ranks are the same as Friend's Chat (vice-versa) ⬆️ Non-Christian/unconfirmed members in Clan Chat are ranked the 'fish rank' 📨 Recruit 2 valuable members to stay in the community, for the 2 stripes rank! The more you recruit the better chance you'll get at 3! ⬆️ Recruits require smiley rank or higher, but takes longer to receive than regular ⬆️ Recruits require contribution to the community seen by Blue Bible

How to Rank Up (Blue Bible member)

How to Rank Up (Blue Bible member)

🪖 Blue Bible members get the two stripes! ⬆️ Members from the first friend's chat made

Keeping Earned Ranks

Keeping Earned Ranks

⬆️ Leaving a platform may result in a demote ⬆️ Inactivity on a platform may result in a demote

Extra Discord Ranking

Extra Discord Ranking

⌨️Discord ranks & names are the same as Friend's Chat (vice-versa) ⬆️ Although non-Christians & inactivity can't rank up in-game 👼 New members are assigned as Angel [non-ranked, smiley, and recruit] ⬆️ Only archangel and above can post links, invites, and pictures 🏹 1 months in Discord for auto-rank Archangel ⬆️ Good activity and behavior may promote faster

Extra Discord Ranking (Moderator)

Extra Discord Ranking (Moderator)

👴 Elder and Ophanim require no time in Discord ⬆️ Ophanim also requires silver star 🍼 4 months in Discord for Cherubim ⬆️ Cherubim also requires 250 Discord posts ⬆️ Cherubim also requires silver star 🪽 6 months in Discord for Seraphim ⬆️ Seraphim also requires 750 Discord posts ⬆️ Seraphim also requires gold star

Moderator Duties

Moderator Duties

🦆 Mod's responsibility is to moderate, represent, and lead ⬆️ A muted account cannot be mod 🥇 Gold requires 2 months of ACTIVE text conversation as silver with members on Discord for eligibility ⬆️ Gold requires to check events & updates ⬆️ Allowed 2 strikes 🥉 Bronze star is only for 1 alt of a gold star 🦓 3 stripe is for 1 alt of a silver star

Moderator Penalties

Moderator Penalties

⏰Lose mod if inactive on the platform you use for rank ⬆️ Less than 2 months with mod is allowed 1 week of Discord inactivity ⬆️ More than 2 months with mod is allowed 3 weeks of Discord inactivity

Moderator Through Clan Chat

Moderator Through Clan Chat

💌 Clan-Chat mods require active recruiting, recruiting events on the clan board, and a recorded testimony

Ranking Notes

Ranking Notes

👍 Currently the only way to rank up to moderator is through Discord use and in-game recruiting 👨‍💼 We are working to expand the moderator ranking system to social media and the clan website

RS Blue Bible Ministry Ranking System for RuneScape Players, Discord Users, and more

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