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👨‍⚖️ Rules, Bans, & Appeals

🔎 Follow game rules/Bible instructions
💔 Break Game/Bible Rules = 1 hour ban from the community or 2-4 weeks banned depending on severity
⬆️ Serious bans & Discord mutes require appeal 

🕵️‍♂️ Players on RuneWatch can only stay in-game for hearing the Word; banned after

👿 Misrepresentation in AND outside the community may result in de-mote, de-rank, or ban

✒️ Appeal on Discord, Facebook, Reddit, or Clan Site
⬆️ Ban and mute appeals private messaged to RSBlueBible
⬆️ Time-outs are appealed to the mod who set it; or an assisting mod

Contact RSBlueBible or Appeal on Forum via Chat

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